AADHAAR Enrolment ID Slip Lost
If the applicant lost / forgot his / her AADHAAR Enrolment ID slip, UIDAI provides a simple procedure to retrieve it online. A valid working mobile number must be linked to AADHAAR to retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR Enrolment ID slip online. If the applicant did not mention his / her mobile number at the time of AADHAAR enrolment, click here to link mobile number to AADHAAR.
To retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR Enrolment ID slip online follow these steps:

Retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR enrolment ID; get OTP.
- Click on "Enrolment ID (EID)" under "Select Option" to enter the corresponding detail.
- Enter the applicant's "Full Name". The name must match exactly as it was mentioned in the AADHAAR enrolment / correction / update form.
- Enter either the registered "Mobile Number" or the registered "Email Address", where the OTP will be sent for verification.
- Enter the Captcha Verification code exactly as is shown in the auto-generated image on the screen. If the auto-generated Captcha Verification code is not readable, press the refresh icon to generate a new Captcha Verification code.
- Click on the "Send OTP" button; this will send an OTP (One Time Password) to the applicant's registered mobile number or email address, whichever is mentioned.

Retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR enrolment ID; confirm OTP.
- Enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number or email address and click on the "Login" button.

Retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR enrolment ID; status.
The Enrolment ID (EID) will be sent to the applicant's registered mobile number through SMS. A valid working mobile number must be linked to AADHAAR to retrieve lost / forgotten Enrolment ID online.
Click here, to retrieve lost / forgotten AADHAAR Enrolment ID slip online.